Remembering & Harmonizing

Are you tired of not having the depth you desire in community with other leaders, healers, coaches & teachers?

Pure Grace Community is about the magic and power of collaboration. We are continuing in our Ayurvedic lifestyle, processing and digesting emotions and spiritual evolution.

I started this affordable spiritual community because I longed for a way to connect all the beautiful souls I know and talk about what really matters! People are magical in diversity and we all have many different passions and talents when shared enhances the community.

You are invited to join us to grow, learn, and play in a deep and meaningful way.

Learn all about my vision in this webinar about the community below!

Pure Grace Community Fall-Winter Agenda

We are currently traveling through Yogic Secrets of the Dark Goddess which will activate divine feminine leadership and embodiment!

Week by week, we will...

  • Reclaim our power, deeply love ourselves, heal our intergenerational and ancestral trauma, while reconnecting with Mother Earth.

  • We will explore, heal, embrace and dance with our shadows. Examples are the belief that "women cannot be trusted" or feeling competitive with others. Or possibly discovering and off-color thought patterns around race or sex. Together we will learn and practice what a healthy, mutually beneficial, evolving and connected community circle feels like.

  • Learn how to create a safe container for transformative experiences of revelation, inspiration, and healing for yourself and others through the weekly energy initiations.

  • Create a balance between Feminine and Masculine Leadership so you can guide others through their emotional triggers with your presence.

  • Come out of the "Spiritual Closet" and overcome any lingering fear of rejection and judgment so you can fully own your gifts and step into self-mastery.

  • You will release outdated patterns through our spiritual, physical and emotional Ayurvedic Nourishing Cleanse. 

These are some of the many things you will have to look forward to with joining our community. The PGC mentors will also be offering their own workshops in addition to our weekly calls.  

Membership for 3 months is $600. After the first 3 months you will be billed $200 month to month.

The membership includes cleanses, weekly Monday evening calls on zoom, private Facebook Group, new friends for life, a loving, open-minded spiritual community and special events.

What makes community with Neve unique and valuable?

One thing is her unique core value! Another is her desire to bring joy, bliss and inspiration to those around her! She does this through…


Dynamic Community

Simply put, we evolve faster with accountability and community. I’ve tried to go it alone in the past and it resulted in me feeling stuck and very slow progress. In community you will be introduced to other people who are prioritizing their growth. You will have new female friends encouraging you to step into your potential and divine feminine power! Neve facilitates the calls so all learn how to interact in a dynamic and mindful way.


Yoga & Dance

When we have movement throughout the day we get the oxygen and blood flow we need. When you join the community you are given a discount code to attend for FREE yoga and dance events online! We do not just talk on zoom calls, we dance and move together!

Seasonal Cleanses

Ayurveda is about rhythmic and seasonal eating. Meal spacing is super important for your body to cleanse itself daily. Your body cares more about when you eat than what. In our community you will be a part of the seasonal cleanse for FREE! Cleanses help you eat at regular times and eat what is local and in season. As you heed your body’s cycles you will intuitively know what your body needs and how you could eat to honor your body. Cleansing is about SO MUCH MORE!


Spiritual Evolution

The person I was 6 months ago is not the person I am today. The person I plan to be in a year is not who is typing this now. As we change our habits and growth our identity shifts. Instead of being a night owl you may turn into a morning bird. When we consciously choose who we are becoming it helps us shift and change our old patterns and habits.



Pure Grace Community

A Transformative Spiritual Community Experience

  • Connect with other amazing people who are prioritizing their growth

  • Grow in our weekly group calls

  • Learn, apply and brag about Ayurvedic lifestyle hacks

  • Be connected with an accountability partner to help you on your journey (optional)

  • Become more dynamic and open hearted in your thoughts and words by connecting vulnerably with the group

  • Enjoy group workshops

  • Schedule monthly 1-1 coaching calls with mentors (optional)

  • Join our private facebook group and connect anytime

  • Receive from book studies and challenges

  • Have access to all of Neve’s offerings at a discount

Join the community as a mentor!

The requirements to be a mentor are to have completed Neve’s coaching program or certification.

  • Post weekly in the Facebook group and comment on other’s posts.

  • Show up to 85% of the group coaching meetings on zoom.

  • Come to and host virtual and live event workshops once a quarter and bring family or friends if possible.

  • Do 1-1 peer-coaching calls in Neve’s other offerings and programs.

  • Tell others about your experience in Pure Grace Community - be an ambassador!

Accountability and Mastermind Groups

Connect with other members outside of community coaching call times to discuss and grow more!