The Divine Feminine Initiation & Coaching Certification

A 9 month certification & initiation to become an internationally recognized leader and healer in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, spirituality & sacred sexuality to support yourself & clients.

Through this transformational process you will rebirth yourself to activate your shakti power, heal your pain and manifest deep abundance and sacred unity in your relationships while rising in your soul’s purpose. 

Picture this …

Ascending spiritually and embodying your unique divine feminine essence as you inspire others and become visible to dreammate clients who are magnetized to your work and message.

Harnessing unshakeable confidence and trust in yourself as you learn sacred rituals and practical tools that enhance your leadership skills. 

Uncovering soul rememberings and experiencing revelations to steer you deeper into your passions and true purpose. 

Imagine fully honoring and loving your sexual nature to raise your frequency and amplify your vitality to increase your manifesting ability and speed. 

Mastering ancient holistic practices women have leverages to thrive for thousands of years and also be able to share them with the women in your life and your clients. 

Raising your vibration to experience deep, lush and juicy relationships with people who will value, respect and admire you.

Collaborating and co-creating with ease and grace to take your business to the next level to increase visibility and abundance. 

Releasing outdated patterns and stories to rise as a priestess who owns her self-worth, strength and sexual power! 

Alchemizing soul clients and relationships to you to expand your ability of living in divine flow with the universe. 

In order to be invited into the coaching certification and transform you need to be:

  • committed

  • coachable

  • dynamic

This experience is a transformative journey.

The Divine Feminine Initiation and Coaching Certification is ideal for women leaders, teachers, entrepreneurs, yogis, mothers, coaches, wives and therapists who want to deepen their spiritual practice, awakened sexuality, experience empowered relationship dynamics and master divine feminine leadership.

Dont waste the most valuable thing you have, your time, by worrying and wanting things to be different. You can make a change now by committing to yourself and to your growth. Let’s chat!





Dynamic Community

Simply put, we evolve faster with accountability and community. I’ve tried to go it alone in the past and it resulted in me feeling stuck and very slow progress. In coaching you will be introduced to other people who are prioritizing their growth. Along with the support of the coach you will have new friends encouraging you to step it up and keeping you accountable to make the changes you want to make. Neve teaches everyone how to interact in a dynamic and mindful way.



Rhythmic Living

Waking up and going to bed around the same times most of the time allows our nervous system to find peace. When we have movement throughout the day we get the oxygen and blood flow we need. When we eat around the same times our mind becomes more at ease. These rhythms are the types of things we are aiming for in coaching.


Seasonal Eating

Ayurveda is about rhythmic and seasonal eating. Meal spacing is super important for your body to cleanse itself daily. Your body cares more about when you eat than what. During coaching you will begin to eat at regular times and eat what is local and in season. As you heed your body’s cycles you will intuitively know what your body needs and how you could eat to honor your body.


Spiritual Evolution

The person I was 6 months ago is not the person I am today. The person I plan to be in a year is not who is typing this now. As we change our habits and growth our identity shifts. Instead of being a night owl you may turn into a morning bird. When we consciously choose who we are becoming it helps us shift and change our old patterns and habits.




1-1 Coaching Calls

This offer is available for a limited time only!

Do you want to connect with Neve and ask her about anything!? 

For a limited time Neve is offering 1-1 coaching packages for current and past members of her courses as well as if you are not in her programs. Neve is inviting you to transform. Connect with her to ignite your energy and move from self-love into mastery.